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Sarajevo Wastewater Project Bosnia-Herzegovina

Rehabilitation and Upgrade of the WWTP at Butila


The Sarajevo Wastewater Projects aims at improving the water quality of Miljacka and Bosna Rivers by rehabilitating the idle wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) at Butila and improving the collection efficiency of the sewer systems in the Canton of Sarajevo. These measures will reduce the exposure of downstream communities to polluted surface water and improve the environmental conditions.

The existing WWTP, which was constructed for the Olympic Games in 1984, will be rehabilitated and upgraded in 2 phases:

Phase 1:  Renovationof the existing WWTP to re-establish the original capacity and treatment level (secondary treatment)

Phase 2: Upgrade of the WWTP for nutrient removal to achieve compliance with EU standards (Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC)

Originally, the WWTP was designed to treat the wastewater of 600'000 population equivalent (PE) with the option to increase the capacity to 900’000 PE. The primary treatment was designed for a maximum flow of approximately 3’900 l/sec while the biological treatment was sized for 2’600 l/s. Sludge treatment included anaerobic digestion and mechanical dewatering.

SWISSWATER provided the following services:

  • Review of previous studies on the renovation of the WWTP
  • Pre-selection of contractors
  • Finalization of preliminary design for the WWTP (process, hydraulic, electro-mechanical, structural)
  • Bidding documents for international competitive bidding (design-build contract)
  • Construction supervision